Performance characteristics

Each replicate from the generator_func and target_func are independent, and Dinf will sample replicates in parallel using all CPU cores by default. Most subcommands have a -j/--parallelism flag to reduce the number of simultaneous processes that will be used for simulation.


During training, CPU-time of simulations scales roughly

  • linearly with the number of replicates,

During network training and/or prediction, CPU-time scales roughly

  • linearly with the number of replicates,

  • linearly with the number of individuals, and

  • linearly with the number of loci.


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Therefore it’s useful to use small values for num_individuals and num_loci during model development.


Only single-GPU training is supported. In most cases this wont be a problem because we train with small batch sizes and the network size is too small to obtain much advantage from multiple GPUs. Furthermore, when using a GPU, run time is dominated by sampling features from the generator_func and target_func which run on the CPU(s).


Max memory scales

  • linearly with number of replicates,

  • linearly with the number of individuals, and

  • linearly with the number of loci.


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All simulated feature matrices are kept in RAM. Online training by streaming features from the target_func and generator_func to the discriminator is possible, but this is not implemented (yet?).