Dinf requires Python >= 3.8, and can be installed with pip
or with conda
(via the bioconda channel).
Pip installation¶
Installation is as simple as pip install dinf
but we recommend installation inside a virtual environment.
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install dinf
GPU training¶
To train models using a GPU, an appropriate version of jaxlib
needs to be installed. This can be done after installing dinf
See the
for instructions. E.g. on Linux try
pip install "jax[cuda]" \
Check that your GPU device(s) are recognised by jax.
$ python
Python 3.9.13 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, May 27 2022, 16:56:21)
[GCC 10.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import jax
>>> jax.devices()
[GpuDevice(id=0, process_index=0), GpuDevice(id=1, process_index=0)]
Conda/mamba installation¶
First ensure that your conda configuration includes the bioconda channel
following the bioconda instructions,
then create a fresh Dinf environment with the commands below.
Mamba is a faster implementation
of conda, but substitute conda
if you don’t want to use mamba
mamba create -n dinf dinf
mamba activate dinf
The conda-forge jaxlib
packages are GPU-enabled by default,
so GPU support should just work. See GPU instructions above to confirm
that your GPU device(s) are recognised.